Thursday, May 8, 2008

questions and creativity

I think there’s definitely something to the psychological trick of asking a question and just letting it hang there in your mind. What almost always happens? You get an answer or many answers, and sometimes more questions. What will I find out about myself if I write everyday? What questions will I ask on paper one morning? Sometimes the answers will come as I write. Sometimes they’ll come later that day or several days later. But this I know. When I’ve sought answers this way, they’ve come. It’s almost a form of prayer.

So here are some questions to consider.

1. If there was to be a revelation that gay members of the church can marry and enjoy all the privileges of straight married couples, what kinds of questions would the brethren have to ask themselves?

2. If such a revelation was to result in a proclamation, how would that document be worded?

3. How could the Proclamation on the Family be revised or amended to reflect the revelation and change in policy?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

no longer just lurking

I’ve been lurking here among the Gay Mormon blogs for a couple of years now, maybe more. But lately I’ve visited almost daily and thought I’d share a few thoughts about what I’m seeing: diversity, age and dialogue.

Diversity: I see quite a bit in real life and online. I work and live and associate with a wide variety of Mormons--active and less so, and not at all, and no longer on the roles--people in a variety of living arrangements, including same-gender marriages and partnerships. I’m glad that my kids grew up in a neighborhood with old and young, gay and straight, Mormon and Jew, those who mow their lawns on Sundays and those who don’t.

Age: I also see diversity in age and experience. Some teens. Many in their 20s. And more than a few even older than 30 something. I’m almost 55. So yes, I remember Mormonism before the 1978 revelation. I remember when blacks holding the priesthood was a radical idea. I remember the church before two-piece garments and the block schedule.

Dialogue: A great name for a publication ;) and something I’ve appreciated here and in my High Priests group, and with my loved-ones and some people who aren’t as easy for me to love. It's good for the soul to hear men and women of various opinions expressing them with candor and respect.

So there you go. My first entry. Thanks for taking a look.